prudent choices when training
its people to improve business

experience, we have some ideas
to help you grow.
What We Do
Leadership Training
Challenging your people to lead and inspire others to accomplish organization goals
Managing Employee Performance
Goal setting, coaching, mentoring developing and deploying staff talent
Training of Trainers
Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination.
Strategy Workshops
Charting out (new) strategic direction, leading change and facilitating corporate transformation.
Supervisory Skills
Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination.
Management Development
Empowering your team with competitive managerial technique and method to implement corporate strategy
…Providing skilfully structured interactive presentation of knowledge, techniques and information designed to facilitate the development of profitable competencies and attitudes among our customers.
Every (training) program we conduct is carefully designed to meet professional standards and customer expectations. Over the years, we have proudly issued thousands of certificates to participant on company training programs and provided training to a wide range of industry clients
Have some questions?
What does MDI do?
We are a Management Training & Consultancy firm that provides staff training services to corporate clients as well as Human Resources development services including executive coaching, executive selection, training needs analysis alongside business consulting in financial management and related services
How do you provide your services?
Our clients contact us with their requests/enquiry to which we respond with communication resulting in a proposal and agreed contractual obligation. Our services are delivered on site at client offices or agreed venues.
How long have you been in business?
Our firm is registered in Kenya in 1994. Our consultants have been training and providing consultancy services in the region since 1997
Do you hire part time consultants?
We maintain a core team of Associates and Specialists. We train our consultants and maintain an international database. To join our associate consultant team kindly send us a one-page resume stating your country of residence and your area of speciality to mdi@mdi.co.ke . Successful candidates will be contacted on the next steps.
We can estabilish your
Studies show that by investing in your human resources, you can improve your organization productivity and profitability by as much as 20%. by capitalizing on this low hanging fruit,you create a learning organization as your people enjoy the benefits of personal empowerment.

Est. Since
Years of Service
Organization Served
People Trained